Spring Grand Arizona

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Upcoming Dates

May 14 - 24, 2025





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Elegant Trogon © Kevin Zimmer

Elegant Trogon © Kevin Zimmer

Good chances for all the Southeastern Arizona specialties including up to 9 species of owls, 8 or more species of hummingbirds, Elegant Trogon, and more.

They have been called the Mexican Mountains and the Sky Islands. The Santa Ritas, Huachucas, and Chiricahua Mountains are islands of cool greenery rising from the deserts and grasslands of Southeastern Arizona. As the northernmost outliers of the Mexican Sierra Madre, these ranges and their well-watered canyons host many Mexican species found nowhere else in the United States.

In the lower canyons, the barks of the Elegant Trogon, the rattle of the Arizona Woodpecker, the squeals of the Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, and the mellow song of the Painted Redstart ring through the oaks and sycamores. Higher up, amidst the conifers and Gambel oaks, roving mixed-species flocks harbor Red-faced, Virginia’s, and Olive warblers, Greater Pewee, and Mexican Chickadee. Along desert washes one may find Lucy’s Warbler, the secretive Crissal Thrasher, the highly localized Rufous-winged and Five-striped sparrows, and perhaps an early-arriving Varied Bunting. Riparian forests and streamside thickets may yield such highly-sought species as Gray Hawk, Northern Beardless Tyrannulet, and Thick-billed Kingbird.

Owls and hummingbirds deserve special mention. Nowhere in North America can one find more species of owls in such a small area. Nine species are possible, and six or more can be expected on any given trip. Included among these are Spotted, Flammulated, and Elf owls, Northern Pygmy-Owl, and Whiskered and Western screech-owls. Likewise, 14 species of hummingbirds have been recorded on this tour with eight or more likely on each trip. From the giant Blue-throated Mountain-gem and Rivoli's Hummingbird to the tiny Costa’s and flashy Violet-crowned, hummingbirds abound.

An additional allure of Southeastern Arizona is the ever-present possibility of vagrants from Mexico. Exotics such as Ruddy Ground Dove, Plain-capped Starthroat, Berylline Hummingbird, Tufted and Nutting's flycatchers, Rufous-backed Robin, Slate-throated Redstart, and Flame-colored Tanager have been recorded at least once on past May tours. Two Mexican species, the Black-capped Gnatcatcher and Rufous-capped Warbler, have become annual in recent years, and at times have bred.

Good accommodations; easy to moderate terrain; two strenuous hikes combined with many short walks, roadside birding, and feeder watching; mild to warm climate (potentially hot in desert areas).

Gila Woodpecker © Barry Zimmer

Gila Woodpecker © Barry Zimmer

Price: $5,345

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Departure Dates

Reserve May 14 - 24, 2025

Reserve May 14 - 24, 2026

Route Map

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Place holder alt Barry Zimmer


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Place holder alt Penny Saydah


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