Winter Southern Arizona

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Upcoming Dates

January 19 - 25, 2026


Tucson, Arizona


Tucson, Arizona

Tour Limit

12 Maximum



Bendire's Thrasher © Barry Zimmer

Bendire's Thrasher © Barry Zimmer

Fantastic winter birding in famous Southeastern Arizona. Generally pleasant weather combined with southwestern specialties, an abundance of raptors and sparrows, and a great potential for Mexican vagrants. Can be taken in combination with Winter Southern California.

Winter is an excellent time to bird Southeastern Arizona. Many of the Arizona specialty birds such as Whiskered Screech-Owl (uncommon), Arizona and Gila woodpeckers, Gilded Flicker, Vermilion Flycatcher, Bridled Titmouse, Mexican Jay, Crissal and Bendire’s thrashers, Painted Redstart, Abert’s Towhee, Yellow-eyed Junco, and Rufous-winged Sparrow are residents and are readily found at this season. In addition, winter brings an influx of raptors to the deserts and grasslands with a dozen or more species possible including such highly sought species as Ferruginous Hawk, Prairie Falcon, and Golden Eagle. Other possible wintering species include Cinnamon Teal, the declining Mountain Plover, Gray and Hammond’s flycatchers, Sage Thrasher, all three species of bluebirds (irregular), Townsend’s Solitaire, Chestnut-collared Longspur, and Yellow-headed Blackbird. Additionally, huge numbers (15–20,000) of Sandhill Cranes winter in the Sulphur Springs Valley each year creating a memorable spectacle.

Sparrows are likewise abundant at this season with Green-tailed Towhee, Lark Bunting, and Brewer’s, Sagebrush, and Black-throated sparrows all likely. As an added bonus, winter has proven to be the best time for finding Mexican vagrants. Ruddy Ground-Dove and Rufous-backed Robin have become almost annual winter visitors in recent years. Rufous-capped Warbler seems to be rebounding in occurrence after several down years. Black-capped Gnatcatcher has declined in recent years, but is also a possibility.Other even rarer strays such as Nutting’s Flycatcher, Aztec Thrush, Blue Mockingbird, and Streak-backed Oriole have been recorded on occasion as well. All this in combination with generally pleasant winter weather and one hotel for the entire trip!

Good accommodations with no hotel changes; easy to moderate terrain; short hikes and roadside birding with one possible, somewhat difficult hike in Florida Canyon; generally pleasant weather conditions with some cold mornings possible.

Costa's Hummingbird © Barry Zimmer

Costa's Hummingbird © Barry Zimmer

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Departure Dates

Reserve January 19 - 25, 2026

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Tour Leaders

Place holder alt Barry Zimmer


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Operations Manager

Place holder alt Celeste Dillon


Questions? Contact the Operations Manager or call 800.328.8368 or 512.328.5221