Last chance to bird Alaska with Kevin Zimmer

Book A Tour
Grand Alaska: Nome & Gambell

Departure Date: May 29 - June 8, 2025

2025 is the last chance to explore Alaska with Kevin Zimmer.  After forty years of leading bird tours with VENT all over the world, Kevin is retiring to focus on the Birds of Brazil book project. Brian Gibbons has been leading tours in Alaska with Kevin Zimmer for 10 years and says "we always have fun, and we always find a ton of birds."  Thousands of past clients can attest to Kevin's energy, enthusiasm, and tenacity when it comes to finding birds in Alaska.

Space is still available on three of Kevin's last Alaska tours, but book now to ensure your place.  Click on the links below to read about the available Alaska tours with Kevin.

Combine the last two above for $200 discount (Grand Alaska Gambell & Nome + Extension)

Other $200 Alaska combo discount : Grand Alaska: Pribilofs and Anchorage + Ultimate Nome

Both discounts are $400 in single occupancy - call the office for details.