
Book A Tour

This is the reason I use VENT: superb tour leaders, who excel at people “management,” communications, and knowledge of birds and nature generally. This was my second tour with Brian and my first with Barry. In the future, I would seek out their tours for participation, if they were leading tours in the locations I wished to visit.

- Bill Kleh

Best of Belize: Crooked Tree & Chan Chich Lodge | March 10 - 18, 2024

This trip was perfect! Both Brian and Erik were amazing at getting everyone on the birds. Even though the pace was fast, we loved every aspect of this trip! We’ve been on 12 VENT trips, and this one was by far the best. Loved Erik’s enthusiasm and the ability of both guides to quickly find birds. I would do this trip again in a heartbeat!

- Barb Stewman

Colorado Grouse | April 1 - 11, 2022

The blend of birds and culture was excellent. Rafael and Attila’s knowledge of people, area, customs, and habitats was deep and apparent. The chanting, meals (supras), and geographic diversity made each day a delight and an adventure. The tour truly combined culture and birds in an enjoyable and educational way.

- Vista Michael

Caucasus Georgia | September 23 - October 9, 2021

Love these guys! Barry and Brennan are a wonderful team—good natured, even when asked the same thing over and over! We pick trips that they are guiding intentionally!

- Katie Margo

Autumn Grand Manan | August 27 - September 2, 2018