Camp Cascades

Book A Tour

Upcoming Dates

July 23 - August 3, 2025





Tour Limit

14 (11 available)
Online Registration Not Allowed


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Frog study, South Whidbey State Park © Michael O'Brien

Frog study, South Whidbey State Park © Michael O'Brien

A unique summertime youth program explores the biologically rich ecosystems of Washington State’s majestic Puget Sound and incomparable Mt. Rainier National Park.

Camp Cascades, sponsored by the Black Swamp Bird Observatory, offers young birders between the ages of 14 and 18 the unique opportunity to experience the beautiful Pacific Northwest with their peers. Focusing on two spectacular parts of Washington State, the camp provides a comprehensive survey of the flora and fauna of the Puget Sound region and the dramatic Cascades Mountains.

Daily activities will be based around thorough exploration of each of the distinct regions we visit, and campers will be educated on all forms of nature. Several lengthy hikes, birding field trips, and discussions will complement free time during which campers will have the opportunity to rest, study, or work on their journals.

Campers should expect to witness some of the finest coastal and mountain scenery in North America. Along the shores of Puget Sound, we’ll experience the renowned temperate rainforests—a mixture of mighty, ancient conifers and lush, riparian forest, often festooned in a fantastic living carpet of mosses, liverworts, and ferns. Amid the forests, glaciers, and tundra of Mt. Rainier National Park, we’ll encounter magnificent vistas, plunging waterfalls, and meadows carpeted with wildflowers.

A sampling of the characteristic birds of the region includes Rhinoceros Auklet, Marbled Murrelet, Harlequin Duck, Barrow's Goldeneye, Sooty Grouse, Black Swift, three species of sapsuckers, White-headed Woodpecker, and Varied Thrush. Outstanding activities include excellent shorebird studies at coastal wetlands, hikes in ancient old-growth forests, a trip to the tip of the Olympic Peninsula, hikes to spectacular Comet and Narada waterfalls in the national park, and long hikes on Mt. Rainier’s Skyline Trail and the Sunrise area for some world-class alpine scenery and spectacular wildflowers.

Listen to Birdnote’s October 9, 2016 show: Investing in Young Naturalists – With Victor Emanuel and Barry Lyon

Long, learning-filled days emphasizing the region’s distinct birdlife and habitats; lots of hiking; elevations range from sea level to 7,000 feet; cool mornings and mild days with some precipitation possible.

Steller's Jay © Michael O'Brien

Steller's Jay © Michael O'Brien

Price: $3,999

Please contact the VENT office to register for this special departure.

Departure Dates

Reserve July 23 - August 3, 2025 (Online Registration Not Allowed)

Reserve July 22 - August 2, 2026

Route Map

Tour Leaders

Place holder alt Michael O'Brien


Place holder alt Louise Zemaitis


Field Reports

No Field Reports

Connecting Tours

No Connecting Tours

Operations Manager

Place holder alt Celeste Dillon


Questions? Contact the Operations Manager or call 800.328.8368 or 512.328.5221