Grand North Dakota

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Upcoming Dates

May 31 - June 11, 2026





Tour Limit

13 Maximum


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Bobolink © Michael O'Brien

Bobolink © Michael O'Brien

Experience the vast expanse of the Northern Great Plains on this adventure covering the varied habitats of North Dakota. Avifauna of four regions overlap here, with eastern, western, northern, and northern plains species encountered on this tour.

The most comprehensive North Dakota tour we’ve ever offered focuses exclusively on the birds and other natural wonders of this surprisingly diverse state. We will begin in the Fargo area of eastern North Dakota, where riparian woodlands along the Red River of the North are home to many eastern woodland birds at the western edge of their ranges. Pileated Woodpecker, Great Crested Flycatcher, and American Redstart are some of the many species that nest here. A journey to the Sheyenne National Grassland will bring more woodland birds and introduce us to the first of the many grassland species we will encounter. Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-throated Vireo, and Scarlet Tanager nest near Grasshopper, Lark, and Clay-colored sparrows. Dickcissels might be singing along the fence rows.

Moving west, we will sample the acclaimed Kidder County in the central part of the state. Here, we will see a fine example of the prairie pothole region, famously known as the waterfowl factory of North America. Along with the innumerable ducks, area lakes harbor six species of grebes, numerous gulls and terns, a good selection of waders, and prairie nesting shorebirds. Chestnut-collared Longspur and Nelson's, LeConte's, and Swamp sparrows might be encountered here. Sharp-tailed Grouse and Ferruginous Hawk inhabit the prairies around the lakes.

We continue west to the North Dakota Badlands, along the Little Missouri River, and to Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The 26th president of the United States acquired a ranch in this area in the late nineteenth century. We will spend two days in the historic Medora area and a day south of Medora at a working cattle ranch. Western avifauna dominates here, with Black-headed Grosbeak, Lazuli Bunting, and Rock Wren singing in the area. Golden Eagles hunt Black-tailed Prairie Dogs in the national park. Night birding might produce Common Poorwill and Northern Saw-whet Owl. American Bison and Pronghorn are some of the large mammals that make a home in the area.

Finishing our western tour, we travel northeast to the Minot area. This will be our base for two days in the northern reaches of the state. A day-trip to the Turtle Mountains on the Canadian border should produce a number of species with a more northern affiliation. Dotted with hundreds of glacial lakes, this area might produce Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Red-necked Grebe, and Common Loon. Ten species of warblers nest in the oak-aspen habitat here. Ruffed Grouse and Common Raven are sometimes noted. Another day will be spent in the prairie pothole grasslands around Minot, with Sprague’s Pipit and Baird's Sparrow our targets. As we head south toward Bismarck, we’ll stop at Garrison Dam for various terns and gulls, with some birding along the Missouri River to search for Piping Plover and interior Least Tern. In addition to your VENT tour leaders, this trip will be co-led by Ron Martin, a lifelong North Dakota resident and birder. In addition to his command of the state’s birdlife, Ron knows a great deal about all things North Dakota. His knowledge of the state and its people will greatly enrich your birding experiences.

Good accommodations; easy to moderate terrain; weather variable, but temperatures likely in the 70s; prairie winds are common.

The Badlands of Theodore Roosevelt National Park © Randy Runtsch/Shutterstock

The Badlands of Theodore Roosevelt National Park © Randy Runtsch/Shutterstock

Price: $6,895 in 2025

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Departure Dates

Reserve June 1 - 12, 2025 (Sold Out)

Reserve May 31 - June 11, 2026

Route Map

Tour Leaders

Place holder alt Michael O'Brien


Place holder alt Louise Zemaitis


Place holder alt Ron Martin


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Operations Manager

Place holder alt Patrick Swaggerty


Questions? Contact the Operations Manager or call 800.328.8368 or 512.328.5221