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Larry Wolff

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Larry Wolff is the Silver Professor of European History at New York University, and at NYU he has held the positions of Director of the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies, Director of the Remarque Institute, and Co-director (with Perri Klass) of NYU Florence at Villa La Pietra. He received his B.A. from Harvard and his Ph.D. from Stanford. With particular interests in Eastern Europe and Mediterranean Europe, his books, which have been widely translated into foreign languages, include Inventing Eastern Europe (1994), Venice and the Slavs: The Discovery of Dalmatia in the Age of Enlightenment (2001), Paolina's Innocence: Child Abuse in Casanova's Venice (2012), The Singing Turk: Ottoman Power and Operatic Emotions on the European Stage (2016), and Woodrow Wilson and the Reimagining of Eastern Europe (2020). His newest book is The Shadow of the Empress: Fairy-Tale Opera and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy (2023). Larry is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has traveled as a lecturer with cruises in the Adriatic and around the Mediterranean. He also writes frequently about opera for the New York Review of Books and the Times Literary Supplement of London. He lived for many years in Boston and now lives in New York City with his wife, Perri Klass, the well-known doctor and writer.